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Stacie Schmidt

XIII Ways: Today we focus on number 5 - don't welcome newcomers.

Continuing my version of the amazing book "13 Ways to Kill Your Community", here goes blog #5 - Don't Welcome Newcomers.

Welcome Home: Why Embracing Newcomers is Everyone’s Job in Ellsworth County

There’s something magical about a warm welcome. Whether it’s a friendly wave, a smile from across the street, or a simple “Howdy!”—these gestures can make a world of difference, especially for someone who’s just unpacked their bags in a new community. Here in Ellsworth County, we know that the key to a thriving community isn’t just in the charm of our small-town streets or the beauty of our landscapes—it’s in the connections we build with the people who choose to call this place home.

Why Connections Matter

When it comes to recruiting and retaining newcomers, connections are everything. Imagine moving to a new town and not knowing a soul, where to find the best cup of coffee, or even where to start with the paperwork for a new school. That’s where each of us comes in. We’re all ambassadors for Ellsworth County, and it’s our job to help new residents feel like they’ve landed in the right place. A warm welcome can transform a new face into a familiar one and turn uncertainty into a sense of belonging.

Grow Ellsworth County: Your Relocation Resource

At Grow Ellsworth County, we’ve put a lot of thought into how we can make this transition smoother for newcomers. We’ve revamped our website to be as new resident-friendly as possible, loaded with resources like rental listings, childcare options, medical access information, and more. We even design and print a comprehensive Relocation Guide that’s distributed across the county. It’s packed with everything someone new might need to know, and handing one to a new neighbor is like giving them a map to navigate their new life here.

But here’s the thing—it’s not just about handing over a guide or pointing them to the digital version on our website (though we’d love if you did!). It’s about the simple act of reaching out and saying, “Hey, I’m glad you’re here.” That small gesture can make all the difference in helping someone feel connected, valued, and most importantly, at home.

We’ve made it easier than ever for newcomers to access the information they need—no need to swing by our office. Now, they can browse from the comfort of their couch at midnight if they like! While we absolutely love meeting new faces in person, we understand the importance of getting information quickly. That’s why we’ve invested time and effort in making these tools readily available online for everyone. Although our office is always open to visitors, we know it’s not always the quickest option, especially with our regular appointments and duties outside of office hours.

It’s Everyone’s Job

Welcoming newcomers isn’t just the responsibility of local organizations or community leaders—it’s everyone’s job. Whether you’ve lived here for years or just a few months yourself, you have the power to make someone’s experience in Ellsworth County a positive one. And let’s be real, it’s not hard. A smile, a chat about the best local spots, or just showing someone where they can find more information can set our community apart as one that truly cares.

Setting Ellsworth County Apart

In a world where people can live just about anywhere, the places that thrive are the ones where people feel a real connection. By embracing newcomers and making them feel welcome, we’re not just being kind—we’re investing in the future of Ellsworth County. Every new resident who feels at home here is someone who will contribute to our community, our economy, and our shared success.

So, next time you see a new face in town, remember: a little kindness goes a long way. Share a smile, offer a helping hand, or pass along our Relocation Guide. It’s not just a nice thing to do—it’s the Ellsworth County way. And in the end, that’s what makes our community a place where everyone truly belongs.

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