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Stacie Schmidt

XIII Ways.... You are Hurting Your Community (Cont'd)

Continuing my version of the amazing book "13 Ways to Kill Your Community", here goes blog #3 - Be Negative.

The Ripple Effect of Negativity: How a Grumpy Attitude Can Hurt Community Pride and Connectedness

In any community, the collective spirit and sense of togetherness are like the Midwest tradition of chili and cinnamon rolls—vital for a positive environment where everyone can thrive. But negativity? It's like adding a little spoiled milk to your lunch - yuck! (insert nose wrinkle here) Here’s why keeping a positive attitude is crucial for the health and well-being of a community, with a sprinkle of humor to make the medicine go down. Negative thinking will never make your life positive.

1. Eroding Trust and Cooperation

Negativity can create an atmosphere of distrust among community members. Imagine planning a neighborhood barbecue where everyone brings a dish, but instead of delicious potato salad, you get a side of snarky comments. No one wants to work together when the mood is sour!

2. Stifling Community Engagement

A negative attitude can discourage community involvement. When all people hear are complaints, they might think, “Why bother?” It’s like trying to host a party, but instead of dancing, everyone just stands around critiquing the music. Talk about a buzzkill!

3. Undermining Community Pride

Community pride is like a badge of honor. Negativity is that annoying itch that makes you want to rip off the badge and throw it away. Without pride, there's little incentive to keep things nice and tidy. Next thing you know, your community looks like it’s auditioning for a post-apocalyptic movie set.

4. Creating a Toxic Environment

Constant negativity can be as emotionally draining as watching a marathon of sad movies. Who needs that? A toxic atmosphere spreads faster than gossip at a high school reunion, making the community a less pleasant place to live.

5. Hindering Progress and Innovation

Communities thrive on fresh ideas. Negativity is like that one person in a brainstorming session who shoots down every idea with “That’ll never work or we've already tried that.” Eventually, everyone just stops trying. Welcome to Stagnationville, population: your community.

6. Damaging Relationships & Self

Strong personal relationships are the backbone of any community. But negativity is like garlic breath—it repels people. Focusing on differences and grievances rather than common goals is a surefire way to turn friends into frenemies. Being grumpy all the time also requires a surprising amount of energy. It's like maintaining a workout routine, but for negativity! Wouldn't it be more pleasant to BE pleasant and grateful?

7. Reducing Volunteerism and Philanthropy

Volunteers and philanthropists are like the fairy godparents of the community. But a negative environment can scare them off faster than Cinderella at midnight. If people feel unappreciated or fear their efforts will be met with criticism, they’ll keep their magic wands (and wallets) to themselves. We have seen this with cherished community events such as Cowtown Days, and even though the committee of committed volunteers has revitalized to dedicate its time and effort to the revitalization of the event, they have been faced with complainer after complainer. We might ask... why should they continue to volunteer?

How to Foster Positivity in Your Community

  1. Encourage Open Communication: Community members should be allowed to air their concerns and grievances, but maybe we can find a better medium than social media or other unsuccessful tirades. Try assuming positive intent and look for solutions!. Maybe add some snacks. Everyone’s happier with snacks.

  2. Celebrate Successes: Be part of highlighting achievements and contributions. Throw a party! Or maybe just give a local business a positive Google review.

  3. Promote Inclusivity: Make everyone feel welcome and valued. It’s like hosting a potluck—everyone brings something unique to the table.

  4. Lead by Example: Community leaders should model positive behavior. Think of it as being the cheerleader who never quits, pom-poms optional. Our cheerleaders were a great example of community pride as they represented Ellsworth County in the kick off Love Kansas Launch event. Their energy was electric! Don't know about the Love Kansas event and how Ellsworth County is piloting this? Take a look on our website!

By understanding the impact of negativity and taking proactive steps to promote positivity, communities can strengthen their sense of pride, connectedness, and collective well-being. A positive community spirit not only enhances the quality of life for everyone but also creates a more resilient and thriving environment for future generations. And hey, who wouldn’t want to live in a community that’s more like a joyous parade than a grumpy traffic jam?

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